Thursday, June 23, 2011

Baby marmot and giant radish

Sorry, I don't have a picture of a cute little baby marmot, but there is a special word in Mongolian for the baby animal in question, мөндөл (möndöl), and I just had to tell you that! There are special words for one year old camels, two year old ones, and mother camel. Not to mention all the words for horses of different ages and colors. To get a glimpse of a country's culture through the vocabulary of its language is fascinating.

Mongolians also use proverbs a lot, for instance:

Anger makes the body suffer
The mountain makes the horse suffer

Sweets isn't food
Gold isn't clothes

The heavy rain has finally stopped. Most roads and sidewalks were transformed into lakes and rivers. The picture, taken from inside a car, gives you just a faint idea of what it was like.

These carrot-looking vegetables aren't carrots at all but radishes. Odnoo was utterly surprised when I got my camera out and wanted to take a picture. This giant kind is very common here, she informed

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