Thursday, May 26, 2011

Far from fishy fish

It had been raining quite a lot the night before yesterday, and when I came to the orphanage the whole street children's department and the rehabilitation center had been flooded, some of the walls damaged. The roof had been repaired recently, but apparently something had gone slightly wrong.

In the evening I was invited to little Emudjin's birthday party - she turned four. Emudjin is Sayo's daughter. We ate huge amounts of delicious food, all prepared by Sayo, including fresh Mongolian river fish, caught by her father. This was the first time ever I had fish in Mongolia. Most Mongolians don't like fish at all, and it can be slightly risky to order it in restaurants (if it at all is on the menu). In this country of meat-eaters the conservation of fresh fish and its preparation are far from obvious things. But Sayo is the exception to the rule!!

Emudjin says that she wants to be a singer, and her lung capacity is promising :-)

I wanted to take the bus home, but I waited for over half an hour, it didn't come, it was getting late. I decided to risk one of the microbuses after having made sure it went in the direction I wanted to go. The last time I was on a microbus we were 17 people on board, as you may recall from an earlier blog. Last night we were at least 21, I'm not sure I even saw everyone on board. 

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