Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Today I started teaching English! It just struck me yesterday that maybe the children wouldn't know the Latin alphabet properly, and right I was. They could say the letters in the order of the alphabet, but when I asked them at random, pointing at letters on a poster, most of them just guessed, I noticed. There is always a brilliant pupil, though, and the little girl that stood out here knew of course all the letters and everything else too. She was in the morning group, but asked if she could come in the afternoon as well and do the same things all over again ...

Here we are practicing the pronunciation of "cat", as you can see from my exaggerated articulation :-)

Most Mongolian school girls wear the kind of white hair bow you can see Enkhtuul wearing in the picture - very pretty! The children also dress up to go to school, the boys wearing impeccable ironed white shirts.

The weather today was horrible: it started snowing some time in the morning, wet, heavy snow. It was windy too. Maybe you saw the pictures I published the other day in the blog "Mud"? That was nothing compared to today. These unpleasant weather conditions will unfortunately last until tomorrow evening. I will try to be outdoors as little as possible, that is for sure.

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