Saturday, June 4, 2011

Urban pastures (2)

As I passed Sukhbaatar square today, I came across a camel that looked a little bit lost in the midst of all concrete. There was also an eagle, but it just seemed to look at the passers-by without really taking any notice of them.

In front of one of these new luxury tower buildings (with luxury shops such as Louis Vuitton and Burberry - their presence says something about the incredibly unequally distributed new wealth here) there is a fountain in a small park-like pedestrian area. I hadn't seen the fountain turned on before,  maybe it was the first day because it caused much excitement among the locals and everyone with a camera was taking pictures.

The price of bus tickets has unexpectedly (at least for me) gone up from 300 to 400 tugrigs, but not on all buses, strangely enough. One bus I saw had a huge sign saying "300 tugrigs". On television they said that the price would be 500 tugrigs. Hmmm. Trolleybus tickets seem to remain at 200 tugrigs. If this is the case I suppose they will be overcrowded - so far they have been a lot more peaceful than the other buses.

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