It may seem somewhat unlikely, but there is a very nice opera house in Ulaanbaatar, the Duuriin Teatr. They have a rather impressive program of operas and ballets, mostly very well-known ones as for instance Aida, La Bohème and Swan Lake, but also Mongolian productions, such as the ballet Choijid Tara.
Last night I saw Swan Lake. The small theater was crammed, foreigners clearly over-represented. Many Mongolian families had brought their children along, something you don't see that often in other opera houses, perhaps because the ticket price is prohibitive - here the most expensive tickets cost 10,000 tugrigs, about 6 euros, perhaps because the performance starts too late - here all performances start at 5 pm.
Take a look at the website: Duuriin Teatr
The compulsory opera house chandelier.
Take a look at the website: Duuriin Teatr
The compulsory opera house chandelier.
After the ballet I had the opportunity of attending a shaman ceremony, not one for tourists but a real one, but that's another story!
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