Sunday, May 8, 2011

Greenish black and bright red

Went to the hairdresser today with the aim of dying my hair. The only colors available were greenish black, platina blond, bright red and ash blond, so I went for the greenish black. Nooo, only joking! The very limited choice was due to the fact that it was Sunday, the hairdresser informed me. Tomorrow he would get a new delivery.

While downtown I tried to get hold of an English textbook for the children I'm teaching. This proved to be a difficult task: I found only books for young adults and adults, and of course no book in sight aimed at Mongolian children learning English. In the end I opted for one of the books for young adults - I will have to add the more playful ingredients myself.

It's one of my biggest challenges ever to explain English grammar to children who know no English and who speak a language with an entirely different grammatical structure. Some examples: Mongolian uses plural markers very sparingly and has no articles. There is no distinction between feminine and masculine and the case system is intricate (and fascinating!). Postpositions are used, but most of the time can't be compared to the abundantly used prepositions in English. Sorry, too much grammar talk here, perhaps :-)

On my way to the bus stop I pass some garages, and to my big surprise one of them was no longer there today. The garage in question was of the moveable type pictured here. Practical, don't you agree? When you move you just take your garage with you!

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